ROI & Human Capital Measurement
HR the strategic Business Partner.
For years learning and development has been seen as an "act of faith" at worst or an "on-cost" at best.
Now you can prove the financial value of all your HR activities, (recruitment, change, learning and development programmes) to the business and you can express this value in terms that the business understands i.e. top and bottom lines. As a result of learning and development, staff members make a greater contribution to the business. That extra contribution has a financial value.
Increasing Organisational Effectiveness :-
Efficient Project Management
Projecting Success
Team Effectiveness :-
A team of stars or a star team
Health & Safety
Cooperation & Recognition, Reduce Accidents
Human Capital Measurement (HCM)
Beyond engagement
It is great to have an engaged workforce.
But engagement (the nature of the relationship between employer and employee) does not necessarily guarantee that they make the right kind of contribution to the organisation’s strategy.
Human Capital Measurement puts a financial value on the contribution made by your employees, collectively and individually. It provides a true measure of productivity. It analyses the organisational and personal factors that help or hinder profit, productivity and contribution. It enables you to create the right conditions for greater productivity - fast.
Used for:
Return on Investment (ROI)
Calculate the financial value to the business of Selection, Learning & Development, change Programmes. Going way beyond "happy sheets" - get a true evaluation of the financial value of L&D to your business.
Use our rigorous, research based online methodology to measure the financial value of any or all your HR activities, of selection, or learning and development, coaching, or change programmes so proving that HR/L&D is a true business partner.
One client was able to justify a new training centre as a result of proving the financial ROI on all their learning and development programmes.
One provider of a tailor-made leadership programme showed an ROI of £1800 p.a. per participant (average). A different provider of the same programme averaged an ROI of over £20,000 p.a. per participant – a 10+ times improvement!
Used for: